The Next New Thing

In the near future, I hope to see new media technology with the capability to transfer smells through the internet. While the concept of “smell-o-vision” is often only discussed as a source for humor, there have been real advancements in the development of the technology. The article “Smell the Superhero,” for example, describes how some Japanese movie theaters will be utilizing odor effects for showings of the third Iron Man movie.

What I am proposing, however, is a more ambitious vision. I would like to be able to ‘record’ smells and send them to people through some online medium, such as e-mail. The potential in such a technology is limitless. It could be used to ‘record’ pleasant smells to send to friends or unpleasant smells for enemies. I think if scents could really be shared this easily, it would add another facet to the way in which people interact with each other. The technology would also revolutionize the web browsing experience. Imagine, for example, being able to smell the finished product of an online food recipe before even making it.

I seriously consider this as a viable technology to receive investment because it is another means to stimulate the senses. At present, new media is focused on engaging the auditory and visual senses, but could provide a more life-like experience if it were able to engage more of the senses. Creating touch and taste based technologies seem more difficult and farther off so I reasoned that smell would be the most realistic way to achieve those ends.


Smell the Superhero by Amanda Kooser. CNET, Apr 17, 2013.

4 thoughts on “The Next New Thing

  1. It is interesting how some Japanese theaters are utilizing odor effects for the movie Iron Man 3. It sounds like an unique experience, similar to 4D movies, where you get a certain “feel” while watching a movie. I remember on April 1st, Google made an April Fool’s joke about “Google Smell”, where you can smell a scent through your mobile phone. If such technology exists in the future, it would be simply amazing.

  2. I think your idea is really cool, kind of scares me too I can’t imagine smelling something through my phone. I think a lot of people would start eating more if you see a picture of a hot dog or burger on your phone and smell it, i think we’d be seeing even more obese people lol However I know a supermarket chain in Brooklyn that uses “scent marketing” around different areas of their stores. They have little sensors that emit smells so if your by the fruits it releases a fresh grapefruit smell or if your in the bread aisle you smell fresh baked bread and their produce sales have gone up 7% and if the consumer doesn’t know about it we don’t even realize..

    Heres a link if you want to read more about it..

  3. This new media is quite interesting. The ability to smell through the computer and other devices can also be used for companies to promote any cologne or perfumes!


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